Candace Owens and the Spirit of Jehu / April 16, 2020

Candace Owens and the Spirit of Jehu / April 16, 2020

Candace Owens and the Spirit of Jehu / April 16, 2020

In a vision, what flashed on the screen was a young woman named Candace Owens. She had an American flag draped around her and the jawbone of a donkey in her hand. She made an appearance at a press conference that I found intriguing because the setting was in a jungle. I heard the voice of God say, “This one will not fit into parties or affiliations for she has been branded for the grassroots.” 

Then I woke up. 

On April 10, 2019, I prophesied from a public platform, “God is raising up Candace Owens as an African American deliverer. She has a spirit of Jehu upon her and has been anointed to throw Jezebel down”. 

Folks, keep an eye on her. For such a time as this!”

-Jeremiah Johnson